What is SPACE ID?

SPACE ID is building a universal name service network which seamlessly connects people, information, assets, and applications across blockchains. It’s chain-agnostic, decentralized, censorship-resistant, and open-sourced. As blockchain bridges become more secure & simple, and as Inter‐Blockchain Communication protocols get adopted, we will head even more heavily into a cross-chain future.

Right now when you get Arton as a Twitter name, but have to get Arton123 on Twitch. A name service on ETH means you get the same name on all ETH Dapps, but not necessarily on other blockchains, there’s another level to it. With SPACE ID, this will never be a problem as you will have a unique identity to all chains. Imagine if you can send crypto through any blockchain of your choice to a friend with a single identifier.

Our Universal Domain can solve all these issues. On SPACE ID your username, :arton, can be linked with his identity across multiple blockchains, so you can forget about all of those complex addresses and only need to ever interact with :Arton.

👍You’ll be :arton on bnb, and :arton on Ethereum, :arton on Cosmos.

SPACE ID has the following characteristics:

  • Chain-agnostic

  • Decentralized

  • Censorship-resistant

  • Open-sourced

Last updated